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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy: Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an average timeline for how long my child will be in therapy? Diagnosis specific. In most cases, there is not a specific timeline we are following as necessity of skilled therapy is multifactorial based upon child’s age, diagnosis, readiness for change, environment, and nature of family specific goals. Instead, we follow the lead of the family and child allowing for response […]

Bedwetting 101: How PT Can Help!

Bedwetting is a significant issue in our children today, affecting 15% of girls and 22% of boys worldwide. The age at which a child achieves nighttime dryness can vary widely and is dependent on a host of factors. Most children will gain nighttime dryness between the ages of 4 and 6, or 10-12 months after […]

How to Play with Your Child

Interacting with your child and providing all the right experiences can start to feel overwhelming. The good news is children are naturally inclined to explore the world around them. After all, play is their primary occupation! Keep the following tips in mind the next time you play with your child – whether they are 2 […]

Tummy Time Tips

As a new mom, I know how overwhelming bringing home your baby can be. You are given so many instructions, pieces of advice, and ideas for you and baby to fill your days. One thing that everyone hears, whether from a pediatrician, well meaning friend, or social media, is “Tummy Time.” With a newborn, tummy […]

What Does a Pelvic Floor Session Look Like for a Kid?

Pelvic floor physical therapy is becoming more well known in the women’s health arena, but the secret is out…everyone has a pelvic floor! The pelvic floor is a multi-layered group of predominantly skeletal muscle that sits like a bowl in the bottom of your pelvis. The pelvic floor has many functions, including providing support for […]

Outpatient Therapy Vs. School Based Therapy: What’s The Difference?

Sometimes, determining what kind of services your child needs and where to get them can be overwhelming. The lists of questions can run a mile long. “Does my child need outpatient therapy?” “How can they get school-based therapy?” “Why does my child get outside therapy, but school says they aren’t eligible?” Let’s take a closer […]

Purchasing Shoes for Your Younger Child

As a pediatric physical therapist, a very common question that is asked by many parents is, “What shoe should I purchase for my child?” This can be a complex answer because there are many factors to consider. First, consider what stage of mobility your child is in. If your child is crawling as a means […]

Cerebral Palsy 101

What is cerebral palsy? Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common physical disability in childhood, affecting approximately 4 infants in every 1,000 born in the US, but what does it mean? Breaking the words down: Cerebral = of the brain Palsy = lack of muscle control It is important to understand that cerebral palsy is […]

Toe Walking Tips for Children

Has your child been diagnosed as an idiopathic toe walker? Don’t panic, we can help! Let’s walk through some treatment ideas that you can perform at home.   Backwards Walking Backwards walking is an easy and effective way to teach your child to keep their heels down. Walking backwards can be fun and incorporated easily […]

Gross Motor Development in the First Year of Life

Infants develop at a rapid rate that is truly a miracle to watch. I am currently expecting my first child in March and despite my clinical training and knowledge as a Physical Therapist, I anticipate being in complete awe at the tiny movements and skills that my little one gains each day. This article is […]