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Family Resources

Cerebral Palsy 101

What is cerebral palsy? Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common physical disability in childhood, affecting approximately 4 infants in every 1,000 born in the US, but what does it mean? Breaking the words down: Cerebral = of the brain Palsy = lack of muscle control It is important to understand that cerebral palsy is […]

An OT’s Five Favorite Therapy Tools That Won’t Break the Bank

The dollar store (or the clearance section at Target) are some of my favorite places to find fun, therapeutic activities to use in therapy. Here are just a few of my must haves and some activity suggestions!   1. Balloons: • Eye-Hand Coordination: Use your hands or small tennis rackets to hit a balloon back […]

Toe Walking Tips for Children

Has your child been diagnosed as an idiopathic toe walker? Don’t panic, we can help! Let’s walk through some treatment ideas that you can perform at home.   Backwards Walking Backwards walking is an easy and effective way to teach your child to keep their heels down. Walking backwards can be fun and incorporated easily […]

Gross Motor Development in the First Year of Life

Infants develop at a rapid rate that is truly a miracle to watch. I am currently expecting my first child in March and despite my clinical training and knowledge as a Physical Therapist, I anticipate being in complete awe at the tiny movements and skills that my little one gains each day. This article is […]

What is Plagiocephaly and Does My Child Need a Helmet?

What is Plagiocephaly?  Plagiocephaly, commonly known as flat head syndrome, is a condition where a flat spot develops on a baby’s head. Baby’s skulls are soft and can flatten easily when the head is in one position for an extended period of time, such as during sleep. Weakness and/or tightness of neck muscles can also […]

Vestibular Input: Info & Activities

What is Vestibular Input? Vestibular input is the sensation of any change in position, movement, or direction of the head. The fluid in your inner ear is responsible for this. Vestibular input lets our body know if we are moving with or against gravity, moving or still, fast or slow, and what direction we are […]

Using Visuals to Support Speech & Language

picture of a mouth making your child’s target speech sound or look in a mirror with your child while practicing target sounds

Visuals are an excellent tool to aid in understanding when targeting new skills! Visuals provide extra support for children to process verbally presented information when targeting speech and language skills. Visuals can be used in a variety of ways to enhance speech and language skills. Here are a few different ways that visuals can be […]

Toys That Promote Speech & Language Development

Do you still have holiday shopping left to do? Out of ideas on what to buy? Here are some recommendations on what to look for in a toy that can not only provide fun for your child but promote speech and language development too! In a world full of battery operated toys and electronic gadgets, […]

Focus on Verbs to Boost Your Child’s Language & Communication Skills

  “Mama,” “dada,” “milk,” “ball,” “kitty.” This short list of nouns might resemble a toddler’s list of first words; however, as a toddler approaches 18 months and expands their vocabulary to include an average of 50 words, it will be critical for this list to start including verbs. Verbs are necessary to form simple sentences. […]