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Family Resources

Weaning from the Bottle: Tips for Straw and Open Cup Drinking

Transitioning from the bottle/breast to straw or open cup drinking can be both exciting and overwhelming. Cup drinking is a skill that takes time to develop, but with  practice and patience, your baby will be weaned from the bottle in no time!  When to introduce cups   Cup drinking can be introduced at the same time […]

Outpatient Therapy Vs. School Based Therapy: What’s The Difference?

Sometimes, determining what kind of services your child needs and where to get them can be overwhelming. The lists of questions can run a mile long. “Does my child need outpatient therapy?” “How can they get school-based therapy?” “Why does my child get outside therapy, but school says they aren’t eligible?” Let’s take a closer […]

Occupational Therapy Apps

Here is a list of apps that help target skills addressed through occupational therapy (self-regulation, handwriting, executive functioning, visual perception, visual motor, fine motor, gross motor, and self-help skills). Kids are spending more time than ever before on screens. Help make your child’s screen time a little more productive and get in some extra OT […]

Visual Timers and Behavioral Management

Managing behaviors can be extremely overwhelming. Often, we may not fully understand the triggers for the behavioral outbursts. However, there are techniques and strategies that you can incorporate at home to assist with preventing and limiting these outbursts. One strategy I most commonly use in my sessions is a visual timer. This is a great […]

Screen Time: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly!

It’s no secret that we live in an era of screens.  Never in history has there been a time where screens were so accessible.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2018), the average 8–10-year-old spends 6 hours a day in front of a screen.  That number increases for those aged 11-14 to a whopping 9 […]

Purchasing Shoes for Your Younger Child

As a pediatric physical therapist, a very common question that is asked by many parents is, “What shoe should I purchase for my child?” This can be a complex answer because there are many factors to consider. First, consider what stage of mobility your child is in. If your child is crawling as a means […]

Sensory Activities: Engaging Within Natural Environments

Sensory processing disorder is a condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses. Kids without sensory processing disorder can also have difficulty with processing senses, just on a smaller scale. When we think of the senses, the five that many of us can recall are: sight, […]

Cerebral Palsy 101

What is cerebral palsy? Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common physical disability in childhood, affecting approximately 4 infants in every 1,000 born in the US, but what does it mean? Breaking the words down: Cerebral = of the brain Palsy = lack of muscle control It is important to understand that cerebral palsy is […]

An OT’s Five Favorite Therapy Tools That Won’t Break the Bank

The dollar store (or the clearance section at Target) are some of my favorite places to find fun, therapeutic activities to use in therapy. Here are just a few of my must haves and some activity suggestions!   1. Balloons: • Eye-Hand Coordination: Use your hands or small tennis rackets to hit a balloon back […]

Toe Walking Tips for Children

Has your child been diagnosed as an idiopathic toe walker? Don’t panic, we can help! Let’s walk through some treatment ideas that you can perform at home.   Backwards Walking Backwards walking is an easy and effective way to teach your child to keep their heels down. Walking backwards can be fun and incorporated easily […]