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Commonly Used Occupational Therapy ICD-10 Codes


Developmental Delay

When to refer:

Child is not meeting milestones related to Social/Emotional, Cognitive, and/or Movement/Physical Development.

  • R62.0- Delayed milestone in childhood (applies to 0-17yr)
  • R62.50- Unspecified lack of expected normal physiological development in childhood (includes delayed growth)
  • F84- Pervasive developmental disorder
  • F88- Other disorders of psychological development (global developmental delay)
  • F89- Unspecified disorder of psychological development
  • F81- Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills (involved in understanding or using language, manifested in impaired listening, thinking, talking, reading, writing, or arithmetic skills. Includes perceptual handicaps, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, and developmental aphasia)
    • F81.8- Other developmental disorders of scholastic skills
    • F81.81- Disorder of written expression
    • F81.89 Other developmental disorders of scholastic skills
    • F81.9- Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified

Fine/Gross Motor

When to refer:

Child is unable to perform age-expected fine motor or bilateral coordination tasks. Poor coordination, clumsy. May impact ADLs (dressing, self-feeding, etc.), play (manipulation and access to toys, ability to navigate playground, etc.), and scholastics (pencil grasp, cutting, etc.).

  • F82- Specific developmental disorder of motor function (motor delay not due to a medical condition)
  • R27.8- Other lack of coordination (can include Dysgraphia, Dysmetria, Dyspraxia)
  • M62.81- Muscle Weakness (generalized) (Globally decreased strength)


When to refer:

Child is struggling with tolerating and processing sensory information i.e. touch, taste, smell, sights, sounds, body awareness, and balance. Functionally may impact tolerance of ADLs (grooming, dressing, bathing, sleeping, etc.). May impact attention and focus. Child may exhibit behavior concerns in response to dysregulation (i.e. frequent meltdowns, aggression towards self/others, social withdrawal, etc.). Strong link to feeding difficulties.

  • R29.818- Other symptoms and signs involving the nervous system
  • R20.9 – Unspecified disturbances of skin sensation
  • R44.8- Other symptoms and signs involving general sensations and perceptions
  • G98.8- Other disorders of nervous system (Impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning of the nervous system)


When to refer:

Child is struggling with suck/seal on bottle with concerns of slow weight gain. Child is not accepting solids by 4-6 months. Consistent gagging or uncoordinated chewing across textures. Toddler or child has <20 safe foods, missing entire food groups, or keeps dropping safe foods and not eating them again after 2+ weeks. Parents reporting mealtime as a constant ‘battle’.

*When in doubt, a screen for feeding is a GREAT option due to early intervention being KEY to decreasing the high levels of stress and anxiety feeding difficulties can place on family and child.

  • R63.31- Feeding difficulties, acute
  • R63.30- Feeding difficulties, unspecified
  • R63.32- Feeding difficulties, chronic
  • R63.39- Other Feeding difficulties

Other commonly used codes

  • R41.840- Attention and concentration deficit
  • F98.9- Unspecified behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence

When to Refer to Occupational Therapy:

A child might need occupational therapy if he or she has trouble engaging in everyday activities due to a delay, disability, psychological or emotional problem. The skills of pediatric occupational therapy practitioners are viewed as critical, since the longer a child goes without mastering the skills required for success and independence, the more the problem can compound as they get older. Included below is a list of developmental areas occupational therapists address that may impact a child’s ability to engage in everyday tasks if deficits or delays are present in these areas.