Associates in Pediatric Therapy
How can I help my child co-regulate?

Adults/caregivers play a critical role in shaping and supporting behaviors and regulation skills from birth to young adulthood through a process called co-regulation. Below are tips and tricks to help you understand, empathize and co-regulate with your child/toddler. First tip is to understand how the brain plays a big role in the way a child […]
Information on Dyslexia

Dyslexia and developmental coordination disorder go hand in hand at times. As an OT I focus on several different aspects to help children or students with these conditions. Handwriting is a struggle for children with Dyslexia and developmental coordination disorder. Reversals are common, especially with lowercase letters. When addressing these skill deficits, we usually spend […]
Cut it out! A Guide to Scissor Skills

Cutting and scissor skills are an important part of school and are needed for many crafts, worksheets, and projects. Below, you’ll find a guide to help teach your child how to use scissors safely and efficiently. Where and When to Start? A great place to start is snipping and cutting play-doh. This can be introduced […]
Executive Functioning and Occupational Therapy

What are executive functioning skills? Executive functions are a set of mental skills we use to learn, play, and successfully participate in day-to-day activities. 10 Key Executive Function Skills What Does Executive Dysfunction Look Like? How Can Occupational Therapy Help? Executive function skills play a big role in our ability to complete day-to-day tasks. Therefore, […]
Let’s talk tics and treatment!

Both motor and vocal tics can significantly interfere with one’s quality of life. For example, a child may feel embarrassed or anxious when all eyes are on them (i.e., sports, reading in class, etc.), get in trouble for disrupting class, or avoid tasks that cause an increase in their tics. Because tics can impede a […]
Low Stress Strategies to Bring Feeding Therapy Home for the Picky Eater

Do you ever feel like you are struggling to get your child to eat even though they are getting feeding therapy from an occupational therapist or speech language pathologist? Here are some easy tips from your APT-Chattanooga feeding therapist: Make a plan for when you will address the child therapeutically during mealtime: Would your feeding […]
Am I Failing My Child?

I remember the early conversations I had with my son’s pediatrician when he was a year old, and then more conversations at 18 months old and he still wasn’t talking. I remember the anxiety I had as I searched Google for answers, but all the results kept coming back with “autism”. Taking those first steps […]
APT Patient Connect APP now LIVE!
WE HAVE EXCITING NEWS! Associates in Pediatric Therapy now has an App for our patients and families! Please see screenshots for how to search in iPhone app store and Android Google Play store. iPhone: search for “APT Patient Connect” Android: search for “Associates in Pediatric Therapy” Information included in “APT PATIENT CONNECT” is: APT News […]
APT “Best Places to Work” Recipient!
APT is so honored to be a 2018 recipient of “Best Places to Work” in Kentucky! This would not have been possible without the huge vision of our CEO, Renea Sageser, our AMAZING therapists & staff, and all of our wonderful patients and families! Official Press Release: The Kentucky Chamber of Commerce and the Kentucky […]