Tell us your child’s story.
Reuben has faced challenges since birth. His journey has taken us to many places & has expanded many narrow doorways in his short 5 years on earth. He has blossomed into a knowledgeable, informative machine over the past year. Reuben is able to say he has friends and attempts to taste more foods each time they are introduced. He still has a long road ahead of him, but we know Kayleigh will be there to help!
Why did you choose APT for therapy services?
APT services were available while Reuben attends a day program through The Kidz Club.
What improvements have you seen in your child since they started therapy at APT?
Reuben has made great progress with a variety of his skills since beginning with OT services. Reuben has been able to expand his relatively selective diet to 2-3 more foods and is willing to try new foods without becoming upset. Reuben has also expanded his play skills with great peer to peer play, turn taking, sharing, and exploring imaginative play. Recently, Reuben has been working very hard on creating simple shapes for school. He was able to create squares and rectangles without assistance! He continues to do well with scissor skills and is able to cut 10 snips independently. His ability to calm himself and regulate has also improved!
What has been your brightest moment along the journey?
Change doesn’t happen overnight. Celebrate the little things.
What advice would you give other parents who face similar situations?
The therapists are one call or text away and are always willing to help. No matter what your child’s diagnosis, be there, be patient, and be persistent. Celebrate the little things.
Occupational Therapist, Kayleigh Schuler, sees Reuben at The Kidz Club. We asked her to share a little about her journey with him.
How long have you been working with Reuben and what improvements have you seen?
Reuben and I have been working together for a little over 9 months since his full time return to The Kidz Club in Erlanger! Reuben was only attending on Fridays as he was going to school full time, but covid-19 has changed his in person school schedule and he does virtual school while at TKC. Since beginning OT services in July of 2020, Reuben has made great functional improvements with his self help skills, play skills, fine/visual motor skills, and upper body strengthening! Reuben has been working very hard on shape formation for school. He has recently been able to complete circles, squares, and rectangles independently without visual aids or assist from me! We are still working on triangles but he is getting very close to mastering this shape as well! In addition to his shapes, Reuben has also been working on the letters of his name so he can write it on school papers when he returns! He is able to trace over each letter with great line adherence and is beginning to trial letters with no tracing! Reuben’s diet is very selective but since beginning OT, he has allowed trials of foods that he usually would never touch! We have expanded to different hot dog brands while at TKC! He is trialing at least 1-2 foods with every meal while at TKC with no upsets or fearfulness. Reuben is becoming more independent with aspects of dressing like putting on his socks and shoes, pulling up his pants after using the bathroom, and is beginning to focus on buttons and zippers! Reuben’s play and social skills have also come a long way! When I previously saw Reuben, he had a difficult time connecting with other peers, sharing, taking, turns, and would have issues regulating when upset by another peer. Now, he is engaging in imaginative play, taking turns independently, and can maintain his regulation when engaging in parallel play with others in the classroom!
Describe a little about your and Reuben’s relationship.
Reuben and I have such a fun relationship! I am always so excited to see him for his Wednesday time with me and I think he also gets really pumped for Wednesdays too! He is always asking me when it is his turn to come down to the therapy room for his time with Ms. Kayleigh and when I finally do come to grab him, he is bouncing with excitement. So, I feel like we have a great relationship! He is such a fun kiddo to work with because he is so smart and is willing to try his best with everything, I throw at him and because of that, he has just blossomed and made such great progress! I always love our conversations because if I have any questions about the weather, geography, colors, the solar system, or if I just need a laugh, Reuben is the guy to go to! He Is just the best and I cannot wait to continue to see his progress to be as independent as possible!