Occupational Therapy, On the Dot!
Connect the dots, dot stamp markers, dot stickers, and so many other activities can be used to help improve fine motor skills, visual motor skills, and many other developmental areas. Here are some of my favorite dot related tools to use during occupational therapy treatment sessions.
Connect the Dots

This activity can be used to improve fine motor control, problem solving skills, visual motor skills, and motor planning. The child will use a functional grasp of a writing utensil to make controlled marks when connecting the dots so that the image can be revealed. The child will also need to pay attention to the dots and follow the numbers in the correct order which will allow them the chance to work on problem solving how to get to the next number. It is rewarding to the child to reveal the surprise image once they have completed it!
Dot Stamp Markers
This activity can be used to improve visual motor skills, attention to task, and grading pressure. The child will choose a fun color marker (or multiple colors for more fun!) and take their time lining up the marker with the dots on the paper before applying the appropriate amount of pressure to make a visible mark without causing the ink to leak everywhere from pressing too hard. Improvement with these skills will help the child with applying the appropriate amount of pressure to complete everyday activities such as writing, coloring, brushing their teeth thoroughly, and so much more!


This activity can be used to improve grasping skills, manual dexterity, and visual motor skills. Allow the child to pick out stickers of their choice and utilize a pincer grasp to remove the sticker and place on paper as desired. Once this skill is mastered, the child can use smaller stickers and place them on specific areas of the paper for more controlled and challenging use of pincer grasp. Improvements with this grasp pattern will help the child with utilizing writing utensils with more controlled movements as well as help them develop the skills needed to complete clothing fasteners on themselves (zippers, snaps, buttons, shoe tying, etc.)!