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January Employee of the Month

by | Jan 1, 2013 | Employee of the Month

Angela Bray
Billing Specialist
Q. What made you choose APT as your employer?
A. My eldest son, Jackson, started First Steps for speech therapy at 18 mths and Renea was his very first speech therapist. I never actually got to meet her while she was seeing him for speech therapy but she mentioned to my husband that she needed someone to handle some coding and billing in her office. She was looking for someone for just one-day a week and I was off one-day a week from my other job. Perfect!! I came in, interviewed, must’ve done a good job 🙂 and here I am.
Q. How long have you worked here?
A. I’ve worked for APT part-time since May 2009 and became a full-time employee February 2012!
Q. What is your favorite part of your job?
A. Even though my job is mostly the insurance aspect (the boring and sometimes complicated part :), I am so glad to be able to walk through these halls and see some of the kids our therapists see and watch them grow and watch their progress. Some of the kids that I started seeing in 2009 are still patients of ours today and it’s amazing how far they’ve come.
Q. Do you have a funny memory about working here or best moment during your time here?
A. The Young Athletes Program that went on during the summer was awesome. The kids had such a great time and the activities and games the therapists had planned for them were hilarious to watch. There was a day in particular where all of them were outside doing different activities that I had to stop what I was doing inside and go out and watch the fun.
Q.What has been the best part of your employment to date?
A. I’d have to say it’s being able to have my children here with me. Sometimes I feel like the workaholic parent that spends more time in the office than at home, but then I walk around the corner for a few minutes and I can watch my kids play in the gym, or watch Jackson have therapy. I work a full-time job and I’m still able to spend time with my kids during the day.

Your Child’s Potential is Limitless – Let's Unlock It Together!

Every child deserves the right support to thrive. At Associates in Pediatric Therapy we provide expert speech, occupational, physical, and ABA therapy to help your child reach their full potential. Our compassionate team is here to guide you every step of the way.