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Occupational Therapy

Crawling and Fine Motor

Crawling and Child Development Crawling is an important milestone in a child’s development. It allows your child to get from one place to another, but did you know that there are other important benefits of crawling besides movement? Ways to promote crawling: Other ways to promote weight bearing through UE: When picking activities to do, […]

Summertime Sensory Fun

Children receive lots of different sensory inputs while attending school: auditory input through peers, bell sounds, and teacher, visual input through posters and images on the classroom walls, looking around in the halls, and exploring all the play options on the playground, vestibular and proprioceptive input through playing on the playground or in gym class, […]

Information on Dyslexia

Dyslexia and developmental coordination disorder go hand in hand at times. As an OT I focus on several different aspects to help children or students with these conditions.    Handwriting is a struggle for children with Dyslexia and developmental coordination disorder. Reversals are common, especially with lowercase letters. When addressing these skill deficits, we usually spend […]

DIY Crafts with Cardboard

As your child ages, you may feel pressure from peers, companies, and brands to buy new, age-appropriate toys for every occasion. You are likely to find many aesthetically pleasing, Montessori- style activities being advertised to promote growth and stimulate learning.  From the perspective of a pediatric occupational therapist, we would like to tell you that […]

Let’s talk tics and treatment!

Both motor and vocal tics can significantly interfere with one’s quality of life. For example, a child may feel embarrassed or anxious when all eyes are on them (i.e., sports, reading in class, etc.), get in trouble for disrupting class, or avoid tasks that cause an increase in their tics. Because tics can impede a […]

Daily Activities to Incorporate Occupational Therapy

Time.  Time is something that goes by fast, however we are always yearning for more.  When starting therapy with your child, you are not just devoting yourself to your appointment time weekly but also time spent working on a home program to promote your child’s learning and advance them to their next therapeutic level.  As […]

Five Simple Tips to Make Back-to-School a Breeze!

The start of the school year is just around the corner! This can be a difficult transition for many children, especially those that thrive on routine or have additional sensory needs. Check out these quick tips from Molly Lester, a pediatric occupational therapist, to help prepare your child for the upcoming school year! Review the […]

Outpatient Therapy Vs. School Based Therapy: What’s The Difference?

Sometimes, determining what kind of services your child needs and where to get them can be overwhelming. The lists of questions can run a mile long. “Does my child need outpatient therapy?” “How can they get school-based therapy?” “Why does my child get outside therapy, but school says they aren’t eligible?” Let’s take a closer […]

Occupational Therapy Apps

Here is a list of apps that help target skills addressed through occupational therapy (self-regulation, handwriting, executive functioning, visual perception, visual motor, fine motor, gross motor, and self-help skills). Kids are spending more time than ever before on screens. Help make your child’s screen time a little more productive and get in some extra OT […]

Screen Time: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly!

It’s no secret that we live in an era of screens.  Never in history has there been a time where screens were so accessible.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2018), the average 8–10-year-old spends 6 hours a day in front of a screen.  That number increases for those aged 11-14 to a whopping 9 […]