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Family Resources

Tips & Tricks for Nail Trimming

Let’s talk about a self-care tasks that many kiddos struggle to tolerate…..nail trimming! Whether it be toes or fingernails, the process of getting nails trimmed can be a struggle for many different reasons and as occupational therapists, we are trained to help. Here are some tips and tricks you can try with your child to […]

Tips for Parenting Autistic Children

One thing I learned as both an Occupational Therapist, and more so as a parent of autistic kids, is that they learn differently. They do things, from learning to write, talk, dress, interact with the world and more, on their own terms and on their own timetable. There’s no right or wrong way to do […]

What is AAC and How Does it Benefit Your Child?

What is AAC and who can benefit? AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication! This can span from low-tech (choice board, white board, PECS, etc.) to high-tech (eye gaze device, speech generating device, tablets, etc.) communication systems. AAC is another mode of communication your child may prefer in order to express themselves both creatively and […]

Halloween Sensory Tips

When many think of Halloween, they think of fun, candy, costumes, trick or treating and more! For others, this may be a challenging Holiday to participate in due to sensory challenges. For example, Halloween can be overwhelming for individuals that may have sensory processing challenges that do not enjoy the tactile texture of the costume, […]

Stuttering Awareness: Stuttering 101

What is Stuttering? Stuttering occurs when the natural flow of speech experiences interruptions. Stuttering occurs involuntarily in a variety of ways and can happen unpredictably at any time. A child may repeat, prolong, and/or be unable to produce sounds or words. Stuttering is also known as a “fluency disorder”. Types of stuttering you may hear […]

Physical Therapy: Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an average timeline for how long my child will be in therapy? Diagnosis specific. In most cases, there is not a specific timeline we are following as necessity of skilled therapy is multifactorial based upon child’s age, diagnosis, readiness for change, environment, and nature of family specific goals. Instead, we follow the lead of the family and child allowing for response […]

Food Jags, Chains, Oh My!

Learning how to incorporate new foods and prevent burn out of favorites. It’s that time of year! Spooky season, if you will, and there is nothing scarier than having your child start to refuse one of the only foods they eat. This is common and we call it “food jags” in the feeding therapy world. […]

Benefits of Playing Board Games

Are you looking for a fun, easy way to address your child’s deficits at home? One of my favoriteactivities to complete during OT sessions is playing board games! It is an activity that is fun, butaddresses many different deficits such as attention, direction following, turn-taking, social skills,and more. Here are my favorite games to play […]

Occupational Therapy: Frequently Asked Questions

What is sensory processing and self-regulation?   Sensory Processing is the way our brain and body receives and interprets sensory information such as touch, taste, smell, sound, and movement. Sometimes this information can become misinterpreted by the brain resulting in a unique, and at times, maladaptive behavioral response. When these behavioral responses impact a child’s ability to […]

Articulation Disorder vs. Phonological Disorder: What’s The Difference?

So, you just received your child’s speech and language evaluation, and they were diagnosed with an articulation or phonological disorder…but, what does that mean? Articulation and phonological disorders fall under an umbrella term: Speech sound disorders, which refers to any difficulties with producing or understanding sounds. What is an articulation disorder? Articulation refers to your child’s ability to produce individual sounds. […]