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Family Resources

Recommended Gifts to Support Language Development

There are many foundational interaction skills that precede the development of spoken language. When children have difficulty with these foundational skills, their receptive and expressive language skills are impacted. Some of these foundational skills include joint attention, use of gestures, and motor and vocal imitation. These skills can be targeted within simple rhymes (e.g., pattycake), […]

Sensory Integration: What is heavy work?

What is heavy work and why is it important for my child? If your child participates within occupational therapy, you’ve probably heard of the term “heavy work”. But what does it mean when therapists use this term and how does it relate to your kiddo? Keep reading to find out!  “Heavy work” is a term […]

Potty Training Readiness: Noticing and Regulating our Body’s Signals

Potty training can be intimidating for parents.  If you are a parent of a child who processes sensory information differently, it can be extra challenging.  However, you can help your child tune into their internal signals through development of the sense of interoception.   What is interoception? Interoception is the 8th body sense, the ability […]

Cut it out! A Guide to Scissor Skills 

Cutting and scissor skills are an important part of school and are needed for many crafts, worksheets, and projects. Below, you’ll find a guide to help teach your child how to use scissors safely and efficiently.   Where and When to Start?  A great place to start is snipping and cutting play-doh.  This can be introduced […]

DIY Crafts with Cardboard

As your child ages, you may feel pressure from peers, companies, and brands to buy new, age-appropriate toys for every occasion. You are likely to find many aesthetically pleasing, Montessori- style activities being advertised to promote growth and stimulate learning.  From the perspective of a pediatric occupational therapist, we would like to tell you that […]

The strategy of waiting

One of the best strategies to utilize during your child’s key developmental stages is to simplywait. This strategy can and should be used throughout everyday routines and interactions.When you start to evaluate how much you are waiting throughout your daily routines, you mayrealize that it’s more difficult than it sounds. But it is SO important. […]

Is my Child a Picky Eater or Problem Eater? 

Feeding takes up most of the time in the child’s first few months of life, and when a parent has a child who is selective with his or her feeding, it can become an overwhelming concern for parents. Feeding challenges in a child can invoke feelings of failure in a parent and only heightens the […]

Physical Therapist Approved Baby Toys 0-12 months

Are you compiling your registry or maybe even feeling a little lost when it comes to buying baby toys for your child? These days there are so many options out there and it’s very easy to get overwhelmed. Below are some of my favorite toys to facilitate gross motor development based on your child’s age!

Ways to Practice Dressing at Home  

Dressing is an important part of your child becoming independent, but when should you expect them to meet their dressing milestones? Dressing skills consist of putting on and taking off clothes (shirts and shorts/pants), putting on and taking off shoes and socks, being able to complete fasteners (buttons, zippers, snaps), and tying shoes.   Dressing Milestones  […]