Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) Testing
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) is a diagnostic tool used by trained clinicians to assess individuals suspected of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The clinician targets multiple skill areas including social and communication skills, imaginative play and exploration, as well as restricted interests and repetitive behaviors.

Is ADOS a definitive diagnosis of Autism?
The ADOS assessment is a very important step in the evaluation process, however, the administration of the ADOS alone is not enough to gain an official diagnosis. During our evaluation, we will also collect behavioral history, caregiver concerns, and relevant medical history. Caregivers will also be asked to complete a developmental assessment that will identify strengths and deficits when compared to peers of the same age. Finally, the clinician will consult with others on the child’s team, such as the speech and/or occupational therapists. All of this information is collected into one report and sent to the child’s primary care physician, in order to collaborate and decide as a team if the child is appropriate for an ASD diagnosis.
How does the ADOS testing work?
The clinician will present your child with multiple structured or semi-structured tasks based on the child’s age and language level. Some activities require caregivers to bring items (For example: Favorite Snack). The clinician running the ADOS session will contact you prior to the assessment to discuss if any items need to be brought in. The assessment session lasts one hour, and the caregiver will be requested to be present during the entire assessment.

How is it beneficial to my child?
There is a shortage of individuals who are able to conduct the assessments needed to make the formal diagnosis, with a lot of the providers having wait lists up to 2 years long! That means that there are hundreds of kids that are potentially missing out on helpful services simply because they are on a very long wait list. While APT cannot make the formal diagnosis, we have therapists who are qualified to administer many of the assessments needed and will collaborate with the appropriate professionals for diagnosis. Our goal is to provide enough information for those individuals to give them the confidence to provide a formal diagnosis.
What should be considered before testing?
Common symptoms in child:
- Before 12 months the child might NOT:
- Babble or coo
- Respond to his or her name
- React to back-and-forth interactions, such as waving or peekaboo
- Look at objects that another person is pointing to
- Between 18-24 months the child might NOT:
- Engage in pretend play
- By 24 months the child might NOT:
- Say meaningful two-word phrases
- Show any interest in objects by pointing at them
Additional Considerations:
- Losing language skills or social skills
- Avoiding eye contact
- Preferring to look at objects rather than people
- Showing a strong preference to be alone
- Having extreme difficulty with small changes in daily routines or surroundings
- Repeating words or phrases without meaning (like a parrot)
- Engaging in repetitive movements such as rocking, spinning or hand flapping
- Showing a high sensitivity to sounds, tastes, texture, lights or colors
- Not seeming to be sensitive to pain or temperature
- Showing little or no desire to be picked up or held
- Showing little interest in toys or repeatedly focusing on one aspect of a toy, such as how it feels or how one part moves
Things to prepare for before testing
The clinician will contact you prior to your scheduled appointment to discuss concerns as well as any items needed.
Who can administer the ADOS testing?
- SLPs
- OTs
- Psychologists (School and Clinical)
- Developmental Pediatricians
What locations offer this service?
Right now, there is a small team of dedicated individuals that travel to various APT clinics to provide the ADOS assessment. Currently, most ADOS testing is done around our Louisville offices, but we also currently have openings for ADOS testing in Evansville, IN and Terre Haute, IN. If you are interested in learning more, reach out to a location near you.