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Unstructured Play: Picnic Theme!

by | Mar 10, 2021 | Family Resources, SLP

A great way to promote speech and language development is by HAVING A PICNIC! Unstructured play, in addition to quality time spent with your child, provides the FUN your child needs in order to stay engaged, while giving you the opportunity to:


MODEL the correct speech sound productions your child may say in error OR verbal/nonverbal requesting.


  • CHILD: Grabs the cookie and says “Tootie!”
  • YOU: You found the CooKie!! Good job!!
  • CHILD: reaches for the apple.
  • YOU: Do you WANT the apple?
  • YOU: MODEL simple sign for “I want” OR MODEL saying the word “want”
  • YOU: can use hand over hand to help your child sign for “want”
  • YOU: reward your child with desired object (the apple) for either imitating your modeling OR tolerating hand over hand strategies.

EXPAND/EXTEND your child’s 1-word utterances into longer phrases and/or simple sentences


  • CHILD: grabs the apple from the basket and says “Apple!”
  • YOU: “yes, that is a red apple!” Apples are yummy to eat!”

CATAGORIZE fruits/vegetables, primary colors, shapes


  • Let’s find ALL of the FRUIT
  • Let’s find ALL of the VEGGIES
  • Put ALL of the RED foods in the basket
  • Put ALL of the GREEN foods in the bowl
  • Find ALL of the foods shaped like a CIRCLE

INTRODUCE CONCEPTS including correct pronoun usage ie; (yours and mine) and


  • (YOU) get a plate and (I) get a plate
  • That’s (YOUR) burger and this is (MY) sandwich.
  • Put ALL of the red foods IN the basket
  • Put ALL of the Green foods UNDER the table

Your Child’s Potential is Limitless – Let's Unlock It Together!

Every child deserves the right support to thrive. At Associates in Pediatric Therapy we provide expert speech, occupational, physical, and ABA therapy to help your child reach their full potential. Our compassionate team is here to guide you every step of the way.