Speech and language activities can be easily incorporated into your daily routines. Here are 5 ways you can target your child’s goals while having some summer fun:
1.) Water Play
- Ideas: use the water hose, turn on a sprinkler, water plants/flowers, use a water table and toys, use various sized cups and buckets, use water beads for an extra fun sensory experience
- Target goals:
- Vocabulary: wet, dry, half, full, empty, pour, spray, splash, jump, push, dump, squish
- Articulation: /k/ /p/ (cup), /s/ spray, splash-find props/water toys that start with your child’s sound.
- Basic concepts: wet/dry, empty/full
- Following directions
2.) Chalk Art
- Target goals:
- Vocabulary: colors, draw, picture, (any vocabulary word)
- Articulation: draw pictures of objects that begin with sound, create your own hopscotch or life size board game with speech words
- Turn taking
- Following directions
- Requesting
3.) Bubbles
- You can never go wrong with bubbles!
- Target goals:
- Vocabulary: bubble, pop, blow, run
- Basic concepts: up/down, open/close
- Practice taking turns blowing bubbles
- Requesting: more/all done
4.) Explore!
- You can: Play in the backyard or check out a nearby park and just explore.
- Target goals:
- Vocabulary: Find/found, see, look, explore, (new vocabulary terms found in the environment)
- Articulation: /f/ and /d/ (find), /s/ (see), /l/ and /k/ look, find things in the environment that begin with your child’s sound
5.) Sand
- You can: play at the beach or in a sandbox
- Target goals:
- Vocabulary: build, dig, pour, sand, soft, feel, castle; hide vocabulary flashcards
- Articulation: /b/ /d/ build, /d/ /g/ dig, /p/ /r/ pour, /s/ sand, soft, /k/ castle, /f/ feel; another fun idea would be to hide objects that begin with your child’s sound or even use laminated articulation cards
- Turn taking
- Requesting