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Caregiver Fatigue Tips for Parents of Children with Special Needs

by | May 11, 2022 | Family Resources, Parent Encouragement, SLP

Parental fatigue can affect every aspect of your life, making it difficult to focus on your job as a caregiver, your career, or your health. Taking care of a child with special needs often means neglecting your own when you are unable to manage your time wisely or when you’re battling the effects of anxiety or depression, but there are some easy ways you can take care of yourself and fight fatigue. First, it’s important to assess your fatigue level and find out the source, since there are different types of exhaustion. You can also create some goals for yourself and your family members for the coming months that will allow you to work on boosting your overall wellness.

If you’re looking for tips to help you alleviate caregiver fatigue, the following guide presented by Associates in Pediatric Therapy can help you get started.

Measure your fatigue levels

Many parents of special needs children find themselves at a loss when trying to describe the source of their exhaustion, or even whether it’s physical or mental in nature. This is common for those who consistently tackle the majority of the caregiving burden, but you can ask yourself a few questions in order to figure out where to start making changes. How satisfied are you with the effectiveness of your parenting? What is your level of marital satisfaction? Does your child have behavioral issues that leave you feeling overwhelmed? This is a good way to pinpoint and isolate your feelings of fatigue in order to treat them.

You might start by seeking counseling for yourself and your partner, learning different methods of communication, or looking for ways to boost your physical wellness, such as pursuing a self-care routine. This might include eating better, creating a solid sleep routine for the family, or seeking massage services to relieve stress, anxiety, and chronic pain.

Do something just for you

When it comes to treating your mental and emotional fatigue, you can also think about setting some goals just for yourself in order to boost your confidence. You might look for a new hobby that makes you feel good about yourself, such as playing an instrument or creating art. If you’re more career-minded, think about ways you can elevate yourself within your field. Pursuing education is a great way to start, and with online programs you can earn a degree without worrying about time management issues at home. Take a look at your options for bachelor’s degrees and start working at your own pace.

Consider the effects of your choices

No matter how you choose to practice self-care to manage your fatigue, it’s essential to consider the effects of your choices down the road. While taking steps to live healthier and focus on your mental and physical health is great, it’s not a replacement for medical treatment if you’re suffering from severe anxiety or depression. It’s also important to maintain communication with your spouse or partner as you make changes to your lifestyle and assess your fatigue levels since they can help you along the way. Not only that, but a lack of communication can also lead to misunderstandings or resentment, especially if those changes affect caregiving duties for either of you.

Tackling caregiving fatigue is a process, so it’s important to remember that making changes to your routines or parenting style should be done slowly and with care. Look for support and online resources, and practice self-care according to your specific needs in order to maximize the benefits.

– Gwen Payne, Invisible Moms

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