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August 2013 Employee of the Month!


Marti is a physical therapist who has worked for APT for about 3 months.  In this short time, Marti has already shown strong dedication to the families she serves and to APT.  Marti primarily works at our Bullitt County office, but also travels to service kids at one of our Kidz Club locations.  Additionally, Marti volunteered her time to help out with the Young Athletes Program for the Special Olympics held at our Shelbyville office this summer.  Thank you Marti for jumping in “head first”, staying flexible, and donating your time, knowledge and skill.  APT and our patients are blessed to have you as part of the team!
Get to know Marti:
Q How long have you been a therapist?
A I have been a therapist since February of 2013, and I began working with APT in May 2013.
Q When did you decide you wanted to be a therapist?
A When I was in high school I decided I wanted to work in the healthcare field.  I looked into several different healthcare professions and decided on physical therapy because of the relationship you get to develop with your patients.  I love that I get to watch my patients grow and improve each week when they come to therapy.
Q What made you choose APT as your employer? 
A I chose to work with APT because working with children is such a rewarding experience.  Each child is different, and taking the time to find what motivates each of them is sometimes a challenging task. However, as you develop a relationship with each child and begin to note progress, it makes any difficulties seem insignificant. 
Q What is your favorite part of your job?
A My favorite part of my job is when parents come to me and tell me that they have noticed changes and improvements in their child.  I feel like I have truly been successful as a therapist when improvements are noticed outside of the clinic environment, and others notice that the child is making gains and becoming more functional.